Magazines Mini Assessment

 (1) Cover page

(2) It use big bold colour and words in the front page of the magazine cover and it uses short and snappy sentences with  short paragraphs and it has one big but good image of a model  in the front cover of the magazine.

(3) A positive thing about celebrities is that most celebrities give to charity's and care about other people lives and they treat  all religious ,race and skin coloured people equal and they will judge people what class they are and how much money and wealth they have.

A negative thing about a dramatic female is that they fight over small things and they cry over small things as well and if you don't bring the things they want to have they will get really dramatic and emotional and start to cry and get angry.

A positive thing of a female being a mother is that  the mother could cook and clean the house for you and do the laundry for you and at  the same time the mother could take the  kids to school and at the same time of the day the mother could do the food shopping for you and at the end the mother could collect the kids from school and can take care of the kids if you are not at home and gone somewhere.


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